Jessica's Place

My students would love to learn about where you come from. You write about & post photos of your town here. To post a photo, just copy the URL address of the photo (to do that, just select a photo on the internet, then place the arrow/pointer on the photo, click on the right-hand button of your mouse & click on "properties". You should then see the URL address) & open this box again. Then click on the the little green screen you see above this box - the one on the right - & paste the URL address on the line in front of "check it". Position the image (left/right etc) & click on "insert code". You should then see your picture after pressing on "save" at the bottom of this box. Hope I didn't make that too complicated !

Voici la Cheminée Tordue, qui est une très grande statue dans le nord de notre ville. J'aime bien ça, car c'est quelque chose de different et de nouveau. Cependant c'est un trompe l'oeil, car on l'a fabriqué d' dans une sorte de plastique.